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b'Biodiversity and Vegetation Management EPE takes great care to limit negative impacts of our operations to regional wildlife. EPE employees are trained to identify and address wildlife issues by regularly collaborating with a variety of agencies to ensure appropriate precautions are taken to maintain comprehensive wildlife management programs. EPE continues our efforts to avoid, relocate, or rehabilitate avian species impacted by our infrastructure.HAWK CONSERVATIONIn responding to an outage report from Union Pacific Intermodal Ramp and Fueling in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, EPE linemen discovered the nesting hawks and reported that a snake in the hawks talons caused the outage. Rather than trying to relocate the already laid eggs, EPEs meter test and construction services groups bypassed the structure and primary metering until the hawks fledged. Once the hawks permanently left the nest, primary metering was reestablished, and an anti-perchdevice was installed along with bird guard wire. EPE is looking for opportunities to install stand-alone nesting platforms in this and other areas of frequent raptor nesting to provide mutually beneficial solutions for our customers and our wildlife.Environmental Stewardship'