Contemporaneous Disclosures

Posting under 18 C.F.R. 358.7: July 1, 2020: Contemporaneous disclosure of the screenshot below:



Today, July 1, 2020, an EPE employee within EPE’s EMS support group, working on resolving automated data error codes in a computer program, sent an email to a small group of EPE employees. The email contained the screenshot shown above, accompanied by the words “including the tie-lines.” The screenshot showed data fields that were automatically generating incorrect values, and the incorrect data fields were among the programming tasks the sender of the email was working to resolve. The recipients of the email included three Marketing Function Employees (MFEs). One of the MFEs recipients immediately recognized the screenshot as transmission-related and promptly notified his supervisor who immediately contacted EPE’s Director, FERC Compliance. Without any delay, the MFE supervisor deleted the email, and directed the other two MFE recipients to do so also.


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