Providing safe and reliable electrical service to our customers is El Paso Electric's number one priority.
Joint Use and Pole Attachments
El Paso Electric Company-owned distribution poles can be made available for wireline and wireless pole attachments, provided that all carriers and providers have a fully executed pole license agreement with EPE. If your company wishes to enter into a pole attachment agreement with EPE, please contact EPE’s Joint Use team (contact information below) to request an agreement.
This website contains information regarding EPE’s current pole attachment policies and procedures. EPE updates this website from time to time, so please check back to ensure you have EPE’s latest policies, documents, and contact information.
Click here to view EPE's service area.
Contact Us
Please direct any questions to EPE Joint Use at (915) 543-2232 or by email to
EPE requires that all Licensees use SpidaMIN, a web-based asset management system, to communicate with EPE regarding pole attachments. EPE primarily utilizes SpidaMIN for Pole Permit Applications, Overlash Notices, and Transfer Notices. Upon request, the EPE Joint Use team will provide login credentials to licensees and/or contractors working on behalf of licensees.
Certificates of Insurance
EPE’s standard pole license agreement contains insurance requirements for all licensees. Certificates of Insurance for licensees must be emailed to on or before the expiration date of the current certificate.
Overlash Notification
EPE requires a 15-day advanced notice of overlash using the Overlash Notification workflow in SpidaMIN. If EPE determines based upon its engineering analysis that the proposed overlashing cannot proceed because it would create a capacity, safety, reliability, and/or engineering issue, or if make-ready is required prior to overlashing, EPE will provide the licensee with notice of same and supporting documentation within the 15-day period.
Application Process
Pole Attachment applications are required if:
- Attaching one (1) or more new wireline pole attachments
- Attaching one (1) or more new wireless pole attachments
- Modifications (any change in type, nature, dimensions, weight, or location of an existing pole attachment)
For each application submitted, EPE will either approve the application, conditionally approve the application contingent upon completion of necessary make-ready work, or deny the application for reasons of safety, reliability, capacity and/or generally applicable engineering purposes.
Requirements of Pole Attachment Applications
- OTMR (for simple make ready in the communications space)
Licensees may utilize the OTMR process for “simple make-ready” in the communications space, meaning make-ready where the existing attachments in the communications space on the pole can be transferred without any reasonable expectation of a service outage or facility damage and where the make-ready does not require splicing of any existing communication attachment or relocation of any existing wireless equipment.
The OTMR process is not available for jobs that will require power space make-ready, pole change-outs, or jobs that involve “complex make-ready.” “Complex make-ready” includes transfers and work within the communications space that would be reasonably likely to cause a service outage or facility damage, such as splicing of any communication attachment or relocation of existing wireless attachments. Any and all wireless activities, including those involving mobile, fixed, and point-to-point wireless communications and wireless internet service providers, are “complex make-ready.”
The licensee must provide three (3) business days’ notice to EPE prior to performing the OTMR survey. Following performance of the survey, the licensee (or applicant on behalf of the licensee) must submit an application to EPE via the SpidaMIN OTMR Pole Permit Application workflow with the construction plans uploaded into the SpidaMIN project as one .pdf attachment. The application must meet the following specified criteria--otherwise the application will be deemed incomplete:
Access the OTMR Pole Attachment Application Requirements
- Non-OTMR (including complex make ready and make-ready above the communications space)
Licensee (or applicant on behalf of the licensee) must submit an application to EPE via the SpidaMIN Non-OTMR Pole Permit Application workflow with the construction plans uploaded into the SpidaMIN project as one .pdf attachment. The application must meet the following specified criteria--otherwise the application will be deemed incomplete:
Access the Non-OTMR Pole Attachment Application Requirements
Strand Mounted Wireless Equipment
Licensees wishing to install strand mounted wireless equipment must follow the protocol set forth in the Strand Mounted Wireless Equipment workflow in SpidaMIN.
Additional Contact Information
Line Extension Phone Numbers
(915) 351-4224 - Texas
(575) 523-3620 - New Mexico
Trouble and Power Outages
(915) 877-3400 - Texas
(575) 523-7591 - New Mexico
Customer Care
Texas: (915) 543-5970
New Mexico: (575) 526-5555