Save Money and Energy

Energy Efficiency Programs

EPE offers energy efficiency programs that can help residential customers save money and energy. Customers who purchase qualifying products are eligible for discounts or rebates at the time of purchase.

Browse Programs

Energy Wise Savings Program

Take control of your energy use with a smart thermostat. New and existing customers are eligible for cash back.

Start Saving

Time-of-Day Rates

Utility charges are based on a combination of rate tariffs and other factors organized under specific rules and regulations. You can learn more, view this information and see state-specific forms by clicking the boxes below. For information on our Time-of-Day (TOD) Rate Tariff, click here.

Calculate Your Rate

Be Energy Wise

Staying comfortable at home doesn't need to be expensive or complex. By making small changes to how to use energy, you can save money and help the environment. Check out these simple tips to help you save energy and improve your comfort.

Learn More
EPE Chat

One Question Survey

We welcome your feedback!

What is the biggest benefit of time varying electric rates? The least?

(Please make one selection in each column)

Most Least
Having access to tools that make it easy to adjust energy use
Avoiding power outages
Having a clear understanding of how my energy use affects my bill
Using smart thermostats or automation to reduce customer involvement in managing energy use
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