Eastside Loop Expansion

Eastside Loop Expansion - 115 kV Transmission Line

El Paso Electric Company (EPE) has filed applications with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) to amend its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) in order to construct two new 115 kV electric transmission lines in eastern El Paso County, Texas.  The construction is planned in two phases and have been assigned Docket Numbers 51476 and 51480. These lines will connect to three new substations, Pine, Seabeck, and San Felipe Substations.  The applications were filed on November 16, 2020.


The proposed transmission lines are required to maintain the reliability of the transmission system in the area and will serve projected and future load growth. The proposed construction for both Phase I and Phase II includes new 115 kV electric transmission lines, located along a number of possible routes. 


The line segments shown on the map below for Phase I are potential route segment alternatives; not all of the segment alternatives will be constructed. The line segments shown on the map for Phase II have been determined through the CCN process. The PUCT signed an order on 04/29/2022 approving route 1 for construction of Phase II of the Eastside Loop Expansion and the acquisition of the underlying properties has commenced.


To determine if you are an affected property owner under Phase II, please click here.


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