Commercial Rebate Programs

Take-Charge NM Program:


A turn-key solution for EV infrastructure on both utility and customer sides of the meter, with no upfront cost to commercial customers. Customers will own EV charging equipment after the installation is complete and be responsible for payment of the electric bill and other operation and maintenance expenses. Priority will be given to charging stations for multi-unit dwellings, EV fleets, and public charging stations located in underserved communities.

Interest Form

EV Charging Equipment Rebate Program:

A rebate program for commercial customers installing qualifying EV charging equipment. The rebate amounts are designed to cover 50% of EV charging equipment costs or 70% of EV charging equipment costs for commercial entities located in underserved communities, subject to the maximum rebate amounts listed below.



EV Charging Installation Rebate Program:

A rebate program for installation costs of qualifying EV charging equipment offered to commercial customers. The rebate amounts are designed to cover 50% of installation costs for qualifying networked charging stations, or a 70% of installation costs for qualifying EV charging stations in underserved communities, subject to the maximum rebate amounts listed below.



Underserved communities are defined as an area in the state, including a county, municipality or neighborhood, or subject of such area where the median income of the area is low-income and will be determined using EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool

PowerConnect NM Program:

A rebate program for commercial customers installing qualifying EV charging infrastructure to help reduce upfront costs of upgrades or improvements on EPE's distribution system up to the utility meter. For Workplace, Public and Public-DCFC projects, the rebate amounts are designed to cover 50% of upgrade costs or improvements to EPE’s distribution system up to the utility meter and 70% of the costs for projects located in underserved communities. For schools, public transit, fleets and multi-unit Dwelling Projects the rebates may cover 100% of the project costs. The rebates under this program are subject to the maximum rebate amounts listed below.


Commercial Programs Requirements

To qualify, customers must:

  • Have a new or existing electric account in EPE’s NM service territory
  • Purchase a 240V outlet, Level 2, or AC/DC fast charging station/s after the TEP implementation date (April 1, 2024) that meet the following requirements.
  • Certified and listed under a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL); including but not limited to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL)
  • Includes smart charging capabilities to program charging schedule and respond to external signals through either OpenADR or OCPP communications protocol.
  • Wi-Fi or cellular capable
  • Includes available non-proprietary charging plugs (J1772, CSS, CHAdeMO, or North American Charging Standard if it is open to multiple EV brands)
  • NEMA outlets should have means of payment including but not limited to a Quick Response (“QR”) code.
  • Have EV charging equipment or distribution grid be tied to El Paso Electric’s grid.
  • Share charging data with EPE (Military entities may be excluded from this requirement).
  • Provide proof of installation completed after the TEP implementation date.
  • Provide a proof of passing City inspection.


Customer receipt of federal, state or other funding sources will be considered when reviewing customer rebate applications.


The EPE NM Commercial Smart Charging Programs are available. Complete the fillable application and submit via email to

Apply Now

Physical Applications must be mailed to:

El Paso Electric
P.O. Box 982
El Paso, TX 79960
ATTN: Angie Rodriguez, Location: 159


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