
May 3, 2019 • EPE Related News

10 easy things you can do to reduce your electric bill right now

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10 easy things you can do to reduce your electric bill right now

From clipping coupons to seeking out sales and budgeting every dime, consumers put a lot of effort into trying to save money wherever they can. Far too often, however, there’s an untapped source of savings right under their own roof—their electric consumption.

Small changes in your household can add up to big savings on your electric bill, and El Paso Electric (EPE) is committed to helping customers make those changes.

“So many times, people don’t think to turn to their electric utility to find ways to save,” says Susanne Stone, director of Energy Efficiency and Commercial Services for EPE.  “But we have Energy Efficiency programs that provide financial incentives and the knowledge to help customers save energy, reduce their monthly bills and make their homes safer and more comfortable.”

Here are 10 easy changes people can make to start reducing their energy bill.

1. Power down

If you could save money with the flip of a switch, wouldn’t you? When it comes to light switches, far too many people don’t flip them off nearly often enough.

“It’s simple, but turning off the lights when you leave a room really can reduce your energy consumption,” Stone says.

She also encourages people to unplug electronic devices when they’re not being used, as they still draw power if they’re plugged into an outlet. Advanced power strips, which essentially shut off power to devices not in use, can help.

2. Knowledge is power

Stone says it’s important for customers to understand and monitor their electric bill each month. That way if they make behavioral changes, they can see the results and also take note of how shifts in the household, such as the kids being home all day during summer break or visitors staying in the home, can affect their bill. Customers can also read their electric meter to get even more insight into their consumption habits.

3. Program your savings

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat or you have one and you’re not using it properly, you’re probably missing out on savings. Instead of having to remember to turn down the air conditioning (or heat, depending on the season) when you leave the house, a programmable thermostat will do it for you. Stone says whenever you leave the house, the thermostat should be set to 78 degrees or higher in the summer and 68 degrees or lower in the winter.

4. Space out

Think you’re saving money by using a portable space heater rather than heating up the whole house? Wrong. Stone says many people don’t understand just how much electricity these little heaters use and that, in the majority of cases, using central heating instead can save significantly more energy.

5. Maintain your equipment

Take care of your heating and cooling equipment, and it will take care of you. That means changing out filters on a regular basis and having your units serviced regularly. Properly sealing your ducts, for example, can not only help reduce energy waste but can also keep your indoor air cleaner by keeping dust and other pollutants from circulating throughout your home. EPE offers an HVAC tune-up program that helps with the cost of tuning up your refrigerated air conditioning units.

6. Insulate

If your attic isn’t properly insulated, adding insulation is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your energy consumption. EPE has a list of recommended contractors on their website to get you started on your journey to a better insulated home.

7. Weatherize

When you pay to heat or cool the air inside your home, the last thing you want to do is let that air out or let the unconditioned air in. Having the leaks sealed around your home, including those around your windows and doors and all electrical outlets, can also reduce the amount of energy you use. Installing ENERGY STAR® windows and sliding glass doors can help too.

8. Lightbulb moments

It should be out with the old, in with the new when it comes to your lightbulbs. New LED bulbs use significantly less energy than incandescent light bulbs, and they last longer too. Even better, their cost has dropped dramatically in recent years. To see just how much new lightbulbs can pay off, check out this calculator.

9. Choose your appliances wisely

When it’s time to replace your appliances, make sure you choose carefully. ENERGY STAR-certified appliances come with tags that show just how much energy they use and how much it costs to operate them. This allows you to shop, compare and choose wisely.

10. Take advantage of EPE’s energy efficiency programs

Beyond those mentioned above, EPE offers many other energy efficiency programs and incentives to help save you money, including things like incentives for solar screens and cool roofs. For more information on all of the ways they can help you reduce your electricity consumption, visit or call the EPE Energy Efficiency department at 575-523-3533 in New Mexico.

Bottom line

The savings are yours for the taking, and there are additional benefits to boot beyond lowering your electric bill. Improving your energy efficiency can also improve the comfort and air quality of your home, extend the life of your heating and cooling equipment and reduce your carbon footprint. It’s a win on many levels, and the only thing to lose is wasted energy.

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