
January 3, 2020 • EPE Related News

12k 5th graders set to attend 80th Annual Young Peoples Concerts end of January

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12k 5th graders set to attend 80th Annual Young Peoples Concerts end of January

For 80 years the El Paso Symphony Orchestra has been presenting the Young People’s Concerts free of charge to area 5th graders.

The Young People’s Concerts started in 1941 at Liberty Hall under the direction of the El Paso Symphony Orchestra’s conductor H. Arthur Brown.

Since then, approximately 625,000 students have been exposed to their first classical live concert through the Young People’s Concerts.

This January 29, 30 and 31, 2020 at the Abraham Chavez Theatre, the El Paso Symphony Orchestra’s “El Paso Electric Young People’s Concerts,” led by James Welsch, will once again welcome over 12,000 5th grade students from El Paso, Socorro, Canutillo, Tornillo, Anthony, Fabens and surrounding area.

This year’s program, “The Orchestra Sings,” is presented in collaboration with Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute (WMI) Link Up program.

This is the 9th consecutive year the El Paso Symphony Orchestra has collaborated with Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute on these concerts.

Early in the school year 5th grade students throughout the El Paso region were given recorders and curriculum designed by Carnegie Hall or EPSO-supplied educational materials to educate the children about the music, composers, historical period and art associated with each piece.

The program culminates with students actively participating at the Young People’s Concerts by playing along with the orchestra on their recorders or violins from their seats.

For many students, these performances often serve as their first concert experience, providing them with the opportunity to apply the musical concepts they have studied.

Link Up’s national partnerships grew out of the program’s ongoing work with New York City schools, through which Carnegie Hall has engaged hundreds of thousands of students in musical learning since its inception in 1985.

For more information, please visit Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute (WMI) Link Up program website or call the El Paso Symphony Orchestra at (915) 532-3776.

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