
July 31, 2020 • EPE Related News

2020 Summer College Interns Create a Virtual STEAM Camp for Anthony ISD

2020 Summer College Interns Create a Virtual STEAM Camp for Anthony ISD

From the very first day on the job, El Paso Electric (EPE) 2020 summer college interns worked on this year’s annual, highly anticipated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project by developing a virtual STEAM Camp Kit for 130 students with Anthony Independent School District (Anthony ISD).

The eight EPE summer college interns had to get very creative with this year’s CSR project due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Done in partnership with United Way of El Paso County (UWEPC), made possible through a grant by Union Pacific Railroad, this year’s cohort of interns researched, developed and designed a virtual STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Camp Kit for elementary and middle school students with Anthony ISD.

KFOX 14 News at 5AM – July 27, 2020

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