
March 13, 2020 • EPE Related News

Bernie Sanders, other senators want to clarify El Paso Electric buyer's 'true ownership'

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Bernie Sanders, other senators want to clarify El Paso Electric buyer's 'true ownership' 

El Paso Times March 13, 2020

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and two other United States senators want two federal agencies to hold hearings on the pending El Paso Electric sale to clarify the buyer's ties to JPMorgan Chase.

That's an issue that's haunted the pending $4.3 billion sale for months.

Vermont Sen. Sanders, and Democratic senators Jeffrey Merkley, of Oregon, and Edward Markey, of Massachusetts, sent letters March 10 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or NRC.

The two letters, signed jointly by the three senators, state that the agencies need to hold evidentiary hearings to "correct the record as to the true ownership and control over IIF," or Infrastructure Investments Fund, which is in the final stages of completing its purchase of the 117-year-old utility.

They are not the first senators to raise concerns about IIF's ownership structure and the fund's ties to JPMorgan. U.S. Rep. Veronica Escober, D-El Paso, wrote to the FERC in  November raising concerns, but she did not ask for a hearing. She did ask the NRC to hold a hearing.

Public Citizen was first to raise IIF ownership questions with FERC

The first to raise the ownership issues was Tyson Slocum, Energy Program director for Public Citizen, a consumer watchdog organization based in Washington, D.C. He's made several filings on those issues with FERC and the NRC, and is the first to ask those agencies to hold hearings on the pending sale.

J.P. Morgan Investment Management officials advise and help manage IIF's portfolio of 19 companies, and would do the same for El Paso Electric if the sale is completed as expected. 

However, those roles do not mean the global bank is a legal affiliate of IIF or any IIF entities, officials and lawyers for IIF and El Paso Electric have insisted in regulatory filings and at public meetings.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is the last agency that needs to approve the sale in order for it to be completed.

The other remaining regulatory approval came March 11 as the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission approved an agreement with conditions for the sale.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff on March 5 approved transferring El Paso Electric's license for its part ownership of the Palo Verde nuclear power plant to IIF. However, the agency's commissioners have yet to decide if a hearing should still be held.

Senators say JPMorgan affiliation question need sorted in hearings

In separate letters to each federal agency, Senators Sanders, Merkley, and Markey said FERC and the NRC have "a responsibility to fully examine the facts and decide if JPMorgan Chase should be labeled as an affiliate of all the IIF shell companies." 

The FERC's "affiliate restrictions are designed to protect vulnerable consumers from abuses that occur when affiliates exploit the utility's operations and finances to siphon value away from the utility's captive customers," the senators' letter to FERC states.

"These protections can only take place if the Commission determines that entities are affiliate," the letter states.

In their letter to the NRC, the senators said an NRC hearing would "add much needed transparency to the transaction."

 "Although IIF acknowledged its affiliation with JPMorgan Chase to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, it has failed to disclose the full nature of its relationship to federal regulators," the senators' letters read.

IIF and El Paso Electric officials agreed in December that Sun Jupiter Holdings, set up by IIF to own El Paso Electric, can be treated as an affiliate of the bank when it comes to dealing with Texas utility regulations.

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission's recently approved agreement with IIF and El Paso Electric has a similar stipulation, which was included because of the Texas requirement.

Public Citizen's Slocum has said the state regulatory agencies only regulate El Paso Electric for its retail and distribution business. But IIF wants to avoid affiliate company restrictions in federal energy market regulations, he's asserted.

Sunrise El Paso sought senators' help

Sunrise El Paso, an environmental group opposing the sale and tied to the national Sunrise Movement, in December requested that Sanders and Merkley submit letters to the FERC and NRC to request hearings, the group reported in a news release. As an aside, the Sunrise Movement in January endorsed Sanders for president.

Sunrise and other pro-consumer and pro-environment groups helped bring the El Paso Electric sale issue to the attention of Sen. Merkley, Martina McLennan, a spokesperson for the senator, said in an email. The senator often circulates letters on issues to other senators to see if they want to sign on and form a coalition, she said.

“Sen. Merkley and his colleagues believe that it is critical for Congress to conduct national oversight and apply scrutiny to our energy markets — especially under this (Trump) administration," McLennan said.

The senator "believes that everyone needs to play by the rules, and it’s unacceptable for companies to withhold information on their applications or hide their ownership structures," she said.

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