April 28, 2020 • Local News
City of El Paso staff face pay cuts, furloughs; city faces $60 million spending deficit
El Paso City Council voted to cut pay and put over 400 employees on furloughs as the city expects a $60 million spending deficit in fiscal year 2021.
The vote for pay cuts passed 5-3 with District 1, 2 and 3 representatives Alexsandra Annello, Cassandra Hernandez and Peter Svarzbein voting no. The furlough vote passed unanimously.
Top earners at the city, including the city manager and city attorney, will see a 5% reduction in their pay starting May 24.
The council was asked to make adjustments to the fiscal year 2020 budget to also account for 2% cuts for other executive level employees and 1% for all other civilian employees for 12 weeks. It does not impact uniform police and fire employees due to collective bargaining.
There are about 3,832 civilian employees who will be impacted by the pay reductions. The savings would be just over $450,000 from the pay cuts.
The resolution adopting the furlough policy could last for up to one year.
Cortinas said healthcare costs will be covered for employees on furlough until the end of the fiscal year. And, they'll be able to pursue unemployment benefits for the next three months.
The city expects savings around $415,000 for a two-week pay period from 450 employees as long as the temporary furlough is active, he said.
City staff and the council were careful to discuss details about which employees would be impacted by furloughs. He said the city was anticipating issuing an announcement later on Monday.
"I feel absolutely horrible,' he said. "It's obviously going to impact a lot of lives."
City Manager Tommy Gonzalez said the plan is to ensure that employees will be able to come back after the temporary furlough period.
"If we don't act now, we'll place our employees in an even more precarious position," Gonzalez said.
District 3 representative Cassandra Hernandez asked what parts of the budget would be adjusted as part of the wage cuts. She said federal dollars from the CARES Act would help offset general fund expenses in public safety and health and signaled she would not support wage cuts.
"You're going to see a lot of budget adjustments that you are not reflecting here in the $450,000 salary savings," she said.
But Gonzalez said of the $119 million the federal government sent, the city has only been able to identify how $1 million could be used.
Cortinas said the city is being careful with how to use the money out of concern for future audits by the U.S. Inspector General.
A city presentation pointed out that furloughs would be a less severe alternative to a layoffs or staff reductions.
The city expects financial troubles caused by the coronavirus pandemic to last at least until next year's budget as expenses are expected to exceed revenues by $60 million in the next fiscal year.
"All of our analyses and estimates are data driven," said Robert Cortinas, the city's chief financial officer. "So, if we were to continue operating the way that we have the way we've been moving forward with the police staffing plan, with our quality of life projects, that $60 million deficit is before any of those adjustments."
Cortinas said the early impact will take time to recover. And, adding the deficit for 2020 and 2021 will be an $86 million impact to the budget, he said.
The biggest losses in next year's revenues are estimated at over $16 million in sales taxes, due to reduced traffic through the city and closed businesses, according to city officials. And, a $9 million decrease in franchise fees.
The city is also expecting a $4.2 million decrease in bridge transfer revenues.
Early estimates say there will be at least a 7.4% decrease in sales tax revenue collected by the end of the 2020 fiscal year. The city is expecting an estimated $33 million revenue impact in this year's fiscal year due to the pandemic.
Revenue from property taxes, rents and other intergovernmental revenues are expected to hit their budgeted projections or go slightly over.
The city already has begun implementing responses in order to address the expected financial challenges.
There is an active hiring freeze for nonessential jobs, raises have been suspended, Sun Metro has adjusted routes, the streetcar has been suspended, multiple facilities have been closed and there are delayed openings of new amenities.
City staff are also looking into slowing down the roll out of capital projects.
To make up for the shortfall, the city already has begun making adjustments to account for estimated losses.
The adjustments added together equal $26,390,717.
Cortinas said there are federal grants available for the city to apply. There are also funding opportunities through Federal Emergency Management agency and Department of Justice, he added.
The City Council already has voted on taking $6.6 million collected from the environmental service franchise fees used for streets to be transferred to a budget stabilization fund in case the money is needed for health or public safety.
A total of just over $14 million in the general fund is being adjusted, and the city expects to keep $4.5 million in vacancy savings. Also, the city is accounting for just over $452,000 in salary adjustments and $711,000 in a budget stabilization fund.
General fund cuts are impacting payment for law books and legal notices, cancellation of the neighborhood academy, travel, software acquisition, facility renovation and sports-court resurfacing.
Some relief has come to the city's aid. A check of $119 million from $150 billion provided by the federal government through the CARES Act in coronavirus relief for state, local and tribal governments was deposited into the city's account on April 23, according to city officials. And, there are early projections that the budget will begin to stabilize in Fall 2021.
Story will be updated.