Demand an end to city Rep. Cassandra Hernandez witch hunt
El Paso Times Published 4:17 p.m. MT Aug. 27, 2019
Demand end to Hernandez witch hunt
We should all ask ourselves, if city Rep. Cassandra Hernandez was white, male and rich, would she be in this situation today? I understand she is a strong Latina who speaks her mind. Is that why the mayor is trying to forcibly remove her without knowing the facts? Why would she jeopardize her position to just resign? It doesn’t add up.
I say we call and email the mayor and council and demand an end to this witch hunt. If Mayor Dee Margo thinks El Paso voters won’t remember this in the 2020 elections, he is wrong. Bullying council members to kick off his adversaries is not going to earn him another term in office.
We deserve better than an authoritarian style dictatorship. I am ashamed of city Reps. Claudia Ordaz Perez and Sam Morgan for being the puppet for the mayor as he pulls the strings all the way from Paris while on vacation. Meanwhile, our government picks up the pieces of a shattered City Council.