June 21, 2019 • EPE Related News
El Paso Electric Customers in Texas to See Decrease on Bills Throughout Summer Energy Saving Tips can also help cut down electricity costs
KINT Univision 26 at 5PM Story
KINT Univision 26 at 10PM Story
El Paso Electric Customers in Texas to See Decrease on Bills Throughout Summer
Energy Saving Tips can also help cut down electricity costs
TEXAS – With the first day of Summer only a few hours away, long, hot and dry weather has already blanketed west Texas sending customers indoors where they can find refuge with cranked up ACs. Although higher electricity usage becomes the norm during Summer months, El Paso Electric (EPE) customers in Texas have already began to see a decrease on bills due to an interim fuel refund.
Large commercial customers will receive a one-time credit this month, residential customers will see a monthly savings ranging from $4.57 to $5.43 from June through September 2019.
“As temperatures will only continue to rise and energy usage typically increases, the proposed temporary fuel refund is timely for our Texas customers,” said Eddie Gutierrez, Vice President of Strategic Communications, Customer and Community Engagement. “While this refund can help manage monthly summer electric bills, customers should continue to be mindful of their energy usage during the summer season.”
All EPE customers can also do their part in cutting down electricity costs by implementing simple, easy-to-follow energy efficiency measures this Summer:
- When no one is home, set your thermostat at 78˚ or higher (every degree of cooling increases energy usage six to eight percent)
- Use ceiling fans and portable fans to help circulate cool air
- Close interior blinds/curtains to help block the sun and heat during the day
- Try to cook, do laundry or use the dishwasher during cooler times of the day
For more energy wise tips and EPE Energy Efficiency programs, click here.
About El Paso Electric
El Paso Electric is a regional electric utility providing generation, transmission and distribution service to approximately 428,000 retail and wholesale customers in a 10,000 square mile area of the Rio Grande valley in west Texas and southern New Mexico. El Paso Electric's common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol EE.
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