
August 17, 2018 • EPE Related News

El Paso Times: Council ends plan for utility sales tax for electricity, gas after mayor threatens veto

The City Council rejected a utility sales tax on natural gas and electricity that would have been imposed on residential ratepayers after Mayor Dee Margo threatened to veto it Tuesday.

Margo said the decision to stop the utility sales tax was based on community meetings he attended over the weekend.

"Those meetings have reinforced my position and we are listening and I am listening. We are going to hold the line on taxes," Margo said. "I am also stopping the sales tax on electric and gas utility bills that we passed last week. If council doesn’t see fit to agree with me, I am prepared to veto it."

The City Council on Tuesday voted 6-2 to delete the item. City Reps. Cassandra Hernandez and Alexsandra Annello voted against deleting it, in part because the funding was going to go toward replacing public safety vehicles for the Fire Department and they wanted to hear the presentation that the city had prepared.

"We have had lots of discussions about what the needs are for public safety this council approved unanimously," Hernandez said. "Why delete this item today if we don’t even know what our needs are."

Annello said she was concerned that if the state places a cap on local property tax increases, the city would have a hard time paying for public safety, maintenance and operations costs.

"This is putting that funding for public safety and I think that's very important. I think it would be irresponsible for our city to delete this item," Annello said.

During the last legislative session, lawmakers debated restricting how much cities and counties would be able to increase property taxes, as well as forcing local officials to seek voter approval if increases exceeded the state-mandated limit, but the bills did not pass.


The utility sales tax, which was repealed 40 years ago, would have been reinstated to generate about $3 million for funding Fire Department equipment and vehicle replacement.

In 1978, the state Legislature gave cities the option of repealing the utility sales tax, which El Paso did that year.

Cities that adopted local sales taxes effective Oct. 1, 1979, cannot tax residential use of gas and electricity, but cities that had imposed the tax before that date can reimpose it, according to the state comptroller’s website. El Paso’s utility tax was first implemented in 1968.

During a second meeting Tuesday, the council voted to fund the Fire Department vehicles through the regular city budget.

In March, the city also approved a 1 percent increase to the fee it charges the electric company for access and use of city streets — or a street rental charge.

That fee was increased to generate about $6 million that will go toward the city’s economic development department.

Ratepayers were going to see an average of $3 to $4 per month refund on their electric bills beginning this year due to lower federal corporate tax rates that took effect in January.

Ratepayers still will see an overall decrease, but it’s about 90 cents less than what they would have gotten before the city imposed the street rental charge.


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