February 23, 2018 • Local News
El Paso Times: El Paso city, county golf courses big money losers
El Paso's three publicly owned golf courses have lost millions of dollars in recent years.
The almost 11-year-old Butterfield Trail Golf Club, owned and operated by El Paso International Airport, lost $10.4 million in the last 10 years, or an average of about $1 million per year, airport data show.
The 26-year-old Painted Dunes Desert Golf Course, which El Paso Water, the city-owned water utility, has owned and operated for almost 12 years, has lost $4.5 million in the last 10 years. Its losses have grown larger in the last four years, when it lost an average of $584,106 per year, El Paso Water data show.
The 62-year-old, El Paso County-operated Ascarate Golf Course also loses money each year. It lost $869,670 in fiscal year 2017, the only year for which complete financial data was immediately available.
Painted Dunes' losses are funded from El Paso water customers' rate charges, said Christina Montoya, El Paso Water communications and marketing manager.
Butterfield's losses are not funded by city taxes, but by other airport revenues, including land leases for industrial buildings and hotels on airport property, said Jeff Schultes. He's the airport's deputy director of aviation, who oversees the course's operation, which is managed by Chicago area-based Kemper Sports.
Painted Dunes, located at 12000 McCombs St., in Northeast El Paso, is managed by Touchstone Golf, an Austin-based golf course management company.
Ascarate Golf Course's deficit is funded from the county's general fund, reported County Chief Administrator Betsy Keller. The general fund is mostly made up of revenues from property and sales taxes, and fees.
"I do not know how long" the course has lost money, "but at least 10 years," Keller said in an email.
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The 27-hole Ascarate Golf Course, located at 6900 Delta Drive in the Lower Valley, is a quality-of-life amenity, as are the county's parks and swimming pools, Keller said.
El Paso Water and the airport got into the golf business to enhance the areas around the courses, and not to make money in what has become a tough industry, airport and water utility officials said.
The award-winning, 18-hole Butterfield Trail golf course, located at 1858 Cottonwoods and Global Reach drives in East El Paso, cost $11 million to construct, according to El Paso Times archives.
It was designed to help attract development and companies to the airport area and to El Paso in general, and to be a quality of life amenity for the city, said Schultes and Monica Lombraña, director of the El Paso airport.
El Paso Water bought Painted Dunes in 2006 "with the intent to preserve the surrounding land values," which utility officials were concerned would decrease because of the declining condition of the 27-hole golf course, Montoya said.
The course is surrounded by about 4,800 acres owned by the El Paso Public Service Board, which oversees El Paso Water.
Schultes said Butterfield Trail, which opened in June 2007, was built "to have an amenity to attract business to the (proposed) Science and Technology (industrial) Park," located next to the course. It also was aimed at drawing a resort-style hotel to the course.
The technology park is still empty, and airport officials have yet to succeed in getting someone to build a hotel at the course, located just off of Global Reach Drive, near Montana Avenue and Yarbrough Drive. It's in the shadow of the mammoth, new William Beaumont Army Medical Center under construction.
Airport officials are in discussion with a potential hotel developer, Lombraña said.
The golf course hasn't yet brought new businesses to the airport, Lombraña said, but it's a feature the city uses when trying to recruit companies here because "quality of place is important" to companies, she said.
If Butterfield Trail did not lose money, then the airport would have additional dollars for operations and improvement projects, Lombraña said.
But those losses have not hurt the airport's operations and have not slowed down capital improvement projects, Lombraña said.
The airport's enterprise fund, fed by airport revenues, is currently a healthy $32.6 million, she said.
El Paso City Manager Tommy Gonzalez agreed that Butterfield was designed as an economic development booster. Airport staff is continuously looking for development opportunities, such as a course hotel, "to make the regional amenity and economic development asset self-sustainable," he said in a statement.
El Paso Water bought Painted Dunes in 2006 for $1.87 million from a bank that had taken control of it after the company that built and operated the course on city-owned land defaulted on its loan. El Paso City Council approved giving El Paso Water the 257 acres on which the course is located.
A deal to sell the thousands of acres of PSB-owned land around the course to El Paso's Hunt Companies, for a huge master-planned community with more than 14,000 homes, fell through in 2008. No other deals have been made for the vacant land.
"We believe the (Painted Dunes) losses are attributed to the decrease in golfers over the past four years that is consistent with national trends," El Paso Water's Montoya said.
Painted Dunes' revenues, including its bar and grill, averaged just over $1.5 million a year from 2008 through 2014, but dropped to an average $1.1 million per year in the last three years.
Butterfield's revenues, including its restaurant and bar, averaged $1.8 million per year in the last 10 years.
Ascarate's revenues were $841,339 in fiscal year 2017.
The number of rounds of golf played at Butterfield have remained fairly consistent in the last 10 years, averaging about 24,000 rounds per year.
The number of golf rounds played at Painted Dunes has decreased from from 52,624 rounds in 2012 to 34,321 last year. The rounds dropped to 37,102 in an unusual 2008 due to fairways destroyed by rabbits, severe flooding in July of that year, and new competition from Butterfield's first full year of operation, Montoya reported.
Ascarate had 31,500 rounds of golf in fiscal 2017.
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A survey of 450 golf course superintendents in the United States and Canada in late 2017 by Golf Course Industry Magazine found the number of rounds of golf averaged 34,547 at public courses last year, but that average dropped to 21,109 rounds at public courses that lost money.
A survey of 267 golf course superintendents, including about 80 at public courses, done by the magazine in late 2015, found 69 percent of public and private courses broke even or had a profit in 2015 and 31 percent lost money.
Painted Dunes' costs have remained fairly stable in the last 10 years, and have declined from almost $2 million in 2008 to $1.7 million last year.
Butterfield's expenses also have remained fairly constant in the last 10 years, averaging $2.8 million per year in the last 10 years.
Ascarate's expenses were just over $1.7 million in fiscal 2017.
At Painted Dunes, several cost-cutting initiatives have been implemented in 2018 "related to labor and irrigation efficiencies," Montoya reported in an email.
El Paso Water has begun studying the possible closure of nine of the 27 holes at Painted Dunes as part of an aquifer storage and recovery project, she said.
The possible closure of nine holes would support water resource needs "while reducing operational costs of the golf course," Montoya said.
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The airport's Lombraña said it costs more to maintain Butterfield than many public courses because it has to adhere to high quality standards instituted under a license agreement with the course's designer Tom Fazio, a renowned golf-course architect who has designed more than 200 golf courses.
To be able to promote Butterfield as a Fazio-designed course requires it to retain certain standards for the way the course is maintained, she said.
B.R. Koehnemann, director of communications for KemperSports, which manages Butterfield, said in an email: "Providing affordable golf and operating a five-star destination golf experience does not normally equate to a profitable golf operation."
Butterfield has garnered dozens of top golf-course rankings and awards from golfing publications, including third-best municipal course in the United States for seven consecutive years, including last year, as ranked by Golfweek Magazine.
Painted Dunes was recognized as one of the best courses in Texas and the Southwest by several golf publications after in opened as an 18-hole course in 1991. It was expanded to 27 holes in 1999. But it's taken time for the course to regain its luster after Bank of America foreclosed on the course in 2003, and the PSB bought it in March 2006.
The biggest cost for all three golf courses is payroll.
Payroll accounted for 47 percent of Butterfield's expenses in fiscal year 2017, according to airport data.
The course currently employs 50 people, and that can climb to 75 people in summer months, Lombraña reported.
Almost 38 percent of Painted Dunes costs in 2017 were for payroll, according to El Paso Water data.
The course currently has 28 employees and hires up to five seasonal employees in the summer, Montoya reported.
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At Ascarate, 48 percent of its costs in fiscal 2017 were for payroll, county data show. It employs 21 people.
The county manages the course itself. But county officials "are exploring options in the next year as to various methods and options to operate the facility," Keller, the county's chief administrator, said in an email.
Painted Dunes paid Touchstone Golf $84,000 per year in the last 10 years to manage the course, Montoya said.
Touchstone manages 36 courses in the United States, according to its website.
KemperSports has received more than $1.6 million in management and consulting fees in the 12 years it's had contracts with the airport to manage Butterfield, including $189,000 in consulting fees for 21 months while the course was under construction.
KemperSports, which manages about 125 golf courses in the United States, including 45 municipal courses, in September began its third contract with the airport to manage Butterfield Trail.
Kemper is one of the best golf-course management companies in the United States, and "they are doing a very good job for us," Schultes said.
In its last six-year contract, Kemper was paid an annual management fee starting at $120,000 in fiscal year 2012, and increasing each year until it reached $139,741 in fiscal year 2017. It also received $46,083 spread over five years because the course revenues exceeded $1.7 million in five of the six contracted years.
In its new contract, which began Sept.1, 2017, Kemper will receive fixed, annual management fees of $125,000 in fiscal year 2018, and growing to $140,689 by fiscal year 2022. It also has an option to extend the contract another five years to fiscal year 2027, when it would be paid an annual fee of $148,526. The new contract also provides incentives for exceeding $1.7 million in annual revenues and for getting high customer service scores.
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Kemper's and Touchstone's annual management fees do not include operating expenses at either Butterfield or Painted Dunes.
"Green fees would need to be significantly increased" to make Butterfield a profitable operation, KemperSports' Koehnemann said. "A similar golf experience would command green fees as high as $200 in major destination markets."
Butterfield's rates for an 18-hole round of golf are $45 to $60, depending on the day, for El Paso city residents; and $65 to $80 for nonresidents. That includes a golf cart, free bottled water, and free practice range balls, according to its website. The course has lower rates for other, special classifications of golfers. It also has monthly and annual passes.
Painted Dunes' rates for an 18-hole round of golf are $25 to $50, depending on the day and whether a golf cart is included. The rates range from $20 to $45 for its Dunes Club members, which requires an annual membership fee of $30 to $35 a year, depending on the golfer's age. It has lower rates for other, special classifications of golfers.
Ascarate has the lowest rates of the three publicly owned courses. Its regular rates are $16 to $20, depending on the day. A golf cart costs an additional $26 for two people for 18 holes. It has lower rates for senior citizens and other, special classes of golfers. It also sells monthly and quarterly passes.
More information: butterfieldtrailgolf.com; painteddunes.com; epcountyparks.com
Source: http://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/2018/02/22/municipal-golf-courses-el-paso-airport-water-utilities-ascarate-money-losers/325160002/