February 20, 2018 • Local News
El Paso Times: Silicon Valley tech startup to open Downtown El Paso office
Fivestars, a San Francisco-based technology company, is setting up shop in El Paso.
The City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved about $130,000 in incentives for the company over a five-year period to open its office in Downtown El Paso.
The customer service technology company is set to hire more than 50 employees over the next three months. The office will open at the Chase Tower building, officials said.
Officials said the company will pay an average wage of $40,450 and will retain a minimum of 90 percent of its employees annually.
The company will work with Workforce Solutions Borderplex to hire employees. Workforce Solutions is a public workforce system in the six-county Borderplex region that assists employers in finding quality employees, and training individuals with the skills necessary to thrive in the workplace.
Borderplex Alliance CEO Jon Barela said the company’s El Paso expansion is “something special.”
“The arrival of Fivestars is symbolic of the Borderplex region’s new found confidence and direction. We are competing and winning at attracting high wage, high skill industries to the region,” Barela said.
A majority of the company’s hiring in El Paso will be for inside sales, customer support and operations.
Source: http://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/local/2018/02/20/fivestars-silicon-valley-tech-company-open-downtown-el-paso-office/354817002/