
April 28, 2020 • Regional News

Gov. Abbott unveils plan to allow many businesses to open Friday in limited fashion

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Gov. Abbott unveils plan to allow many businesses to open Friday in limited fashion


AUSTIN — The stay-at-home guidelines handed down by Gov. Greg Abbott nearly four weeks ago will be allowed to expire Thursday and many retail outlets that had been shuttered will be allowed to reopen with some limits, the governor announced Monday.

"Our goal, of course, is to get Texas back to work," Abbott said at a news briefing in his office suite at the Texas Capitol on the latest efforts to limit coronavirus spread.

“Obviously, not all businesses can open all at once. A more strategic approach is required to ensure that we don’t reopen only to have to close down again.”

And to that end, places like movie theaters, restaurants, malls, previously nonessential retail stores and other businesses can be reopened with some restrictions under what Abbott called phase one of his plan to keep the Texas economy from cratering even further.

That means limiting occupancy to 25 percent capacity and promoting safe distancing practices. Many of the stores, including grocery supermarkets and home improvement centers, that were deemed to be essential under Abbott's orders, have been operating under those same restrictions, the governor said. Counties with fewer than five positive cases can reopen those businesses at 50 percent capacity, under Abbott's announce

He took pains to stress that his latest action came only after close collaboration with health professionals advising his ongoing response to the virus that has infected more than 25,000 people in Texas and has caused at least 633 deaths.

Abbott also noted that he is not requiring any business to reopen, nor is he requiring Texans who prefer to continue to work from home or stay away from any gathering to now change their behavior.

"If you want to stay at home, continue to stay at home," he said.

But, he noted that his new orders supersede any mandates from local authorities to curtail business activity in Texas.

The latest move comes as some Democrats and local officials are questioning the need to move quickly even as the virus spread continues. 

“I believe we are putting the cart before the horse during this crisis and should be more thoughtful, instead of just moving down this path in the way that we are doing it,” state Rep. Celia Israel, D-Austin, said on a news conference call with other Democratic elected leaders.

U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, an El Paso Democrat, said the health care crisis must be solved before the state’s economy can get moving again. More robust testing is needed, or else it is unclear “just how extensive the problem is,” Escobar said.

“Every person wants to get the state and the economy moving again, but every rational person, I think, should want to ensure that we are doing it safely,” Escobar said.


In late March, following the lead of authorities in several Texas counties, Abbott issued a series of stay-at-home guidelines meant to control spread of COVID-19, the sometimes deadly illness caused by the virus. The effect was to shutter numerous businesses and sideline millions of Texas workers.

Before that, he ordered schools closed, and restaurant dining rooms and businesses like massage and tattoo parlors shuttered.

But over the past couple of weeks, some of the governor's fellow Republicans have pushed for an accelerated reopening saying the state's economy faced irreparable harm under a prolonged period of idleness. Some Texans have also gathered in protest of the restrictions, which include limiting the number of people congregating in one place and encouraging social distancing.

poll by the Texas Tribune published Sunday suggests those calling for an immediate reopening are in the minority.

The poll of registered voters showed about two-thirds of Texans agreeing with actions taken by the governor and local authorities suspending nonessential business operations. More than 75 percent of the respondents said they support the stay-at-home order for nonessential activities.

Before spelling out his plans for the state economy, Abbott pointed out that the rate of new COVID-19 infections has been decreasing for 17 straight days and that the hospitalization rate has remained stable.

He also promised what he called more testing and tracking aimed at finding out who has been infected, then taking steps to isolate those with the virus and those who they might have exposed.

Meanwhile, several business categories were left out of what Abbott called a "gradual" reopening of the state economy. Places like public gyms, hair salons and tattoo parlors will not reopen until mid-May, at the earliest.

And, of infections suddenly spike statewide, the governor left open the possibility that his original orders might be reinstated.

“It’s hard to get rid of this virus because it is so contagious,” Abbott said. “So we’re not just going to open up and hope for the best. Instead we will put measures in place that will help businesses open but also contain the virus and keeping Texans safe.”

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