
July 26, 2019 • EPE Related News

How El Paso Electric is helping area youth light a bright path for the future

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How El Paso Electric is helping area youth light a bright path for the future

While El Paso Electric (EPE) powers homes and businesses in the area with electricity, they’re also helping power young minds by contributing to the local Success Through Technology Education (STTE) Foundation. Together, they’re working to pave a brighter future for the El Paso area by helping students thrive in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). 


STEAM/STEM has risen to the top of educational priorities in this country as it’s become apparent how vital these skills are in our tech-based world. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Education, in the next five years alone major American companies will need to add 1.6 million employees with STEAM/STEM skills.  

The Department states, “If we want a nation where our future leaders, neighbors, and workers have the ability to understand and solve some of the complex challenges of today and tomorrow, and to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving workforce, building students' skills, content knowledge, and fluency in STEM fields is essential. We must also make sure that, no matter where children live, they have access to quality learning environments. A child's zip code should not determine their STEM fluency.” 

The STTE Foundation is dedicated to making sure those quality learning environments are available to students with zip codes in the Borderplex area. Founded in January 2018, they work with educators and families to help local students explore and excel in STEAM-related careers to ensure that the region is well-equipped to compete in the increasingly complex global economy.

They do this by offering a variety of opportunities for students in middle school, high school and college, including free, tech-focused summer camps and STEAMX, a vibrant, annual two-day event for local students designed to increase awareness of just how many cool opportunities there are in STEAM fields. They also collaborate with local school districts to provide project-based programs and provide thousands of dollars in prizes and scholarships to reward and inspire students’ hard work.

How EPE and the STTE Foundation work together 

Of course, all this great programming requires funding and community support, which is where EPE comes into the picture. Since the STTE Foundation’s launch, EPE has jumped into help further their mission. To date, EPE has donated thousands of dollars in STEAM scholarships and countless volunteer hours to help them further their mission.

“EPE has been a vital sponsor of The STTE Foundation,” says Joseph Sapien, executive director, STTE Foundation. “The EPE partnership with STTE established immediate credibility among community stakeholders, thus allowing the foundation to advance exponentially.”

EPE also recently donated money to help bolster STTE’s robotics education program and give kids more opportunities in this dynamic field. 

“EPE’s generous support for robotics will allow more student teams to form and travel to regionals and state competitions—experiences that without extra extracurricular funding, youth would not be able to afford to compete at the next level,” Sapien said. “With EPE’s support, STTE will grow new robotics teams that will have a lasting impact economically for our region.”

Sapien says without contributions like those from EPE and others, they couldn’t exist. “It’s a prime example of how the power of leadership can advance a region forward.”

“EPE is proud to be able to contribute to the important work of the STTE Foundation,” says Eddie Gutierrez, El Paso Electric Vice President of Strategic Communications, Customer and Community Engagement. “Our area youth have so much potential, and we want to do everything we can to give them the skills and education they need to lead El Paso and this area into the future and continue building a prosperous future.” 

EPE’s partnership with the STTE Foundation is just one way the utility company gives back to the community though their Community Partner Program. They believe generously supporting the areas they serve is part of their corporate responsibility and focus their efforts in four key areas including education/STEAM, economic development, neighborhood and civic organizations and environment and wildlife. 

No one likes paying their electricity bill, or any bill for that matter, but knowing you’re helping power young minds and investing in your community’s future by doing so help can make writing that check a little easier. For more information on how EPE gives back, visit EPE’s Community Partner Program Guidelines and Process.

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