January 7, 2020 • EPE Related News
New Mexico agencies, Las Cruces, reach agreement in pending El Paso Electric sale
New Mexico agencies, Las Cruces, reach agreement in pending El Paso Electric sale
The pending $4.3 billion sale of El Paso Electric has cleared another hurdle.
The J.P. Morgan Chase-tied Infrastructure Investments Fund, or IIF, and El Paso Electric have made a settlement agreement on sales terms with seven New Mexico government agencies and organizations, including the city of Las Cruces, and a Las Cruces resident that intervened in the review of the pending sale with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.
El Paso Electric and IIF announced the agreement Monday. It was filed with the New Mexico commission Jan. 3.
The agreement still must be approved by the New Mexico commission, which has scheduled a hearing on it for Jan. 16 in Santa Fe.
The New Mexico agreement comes after IIF and El Paso Electric filed a stipulated agreement of revised sales terms Dec. 18 with eight intervenors in Texas, including the city of El Paso.
IIF in June agreed to buy the 117-year-old, now publicly traded electric utility, for $4.3 billion, including assuming $1.5 billion in El Paso Electric debt.
The stipulated agreements in New Mexico and Texas contain many similar provisions.
However, in the New Mexico agreement, Las Cruces-area customers of the electric utility are to get $8.7 million in rate credits on their bills over three years. In the El Paso area, where the utility has a much larger customer base, customers are to get $21 million in rate credits over three years.
Initially IIF agreed to provide $21 million in rate credits for both New Mexico and Texas customers. The credits likely will be well under $2 per month on customers' bills.
The utility's New Mexico service area is to get $20 million to promote economic development over 20 years. An independent board will oversee the economic development money, according to the stipulated agreement.
IIF has agreed to give its Texas service area $80 million in economic development money over 15 years, and the money is to be administered by the city of El Paso.
IIF and El Paso Electric also have agreed to file for new rates in New Mexico three months after the sale becomes final. No time table has been given for filing new rates in Texas.
Besides the New Mexico commission, the Public Utility Commission of Texas also must approve the Texas stipulated agreement. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission also must approve the pending sale.
City Council delays El Paso franchise transfer review process
El Paso City Council at its Tuesday meeting delayed the review process for transferring the city's electric franchise to IIF. The utility's city franchise agreement needs to be transferred in order for the sale to be completed.
Council discussed some proposed changes to the franchise agreement at its Monday work session, and voted to hire additional consultants to review and make recommendations on proposed franchise agreement changes, a city official reported.
Council voted to hire former Texas PUC member Ken Anderson, who was an early critic of many of the initially proposed sale terms; and to hire Focused Advocacy, an Austin lobbying firm specializing in electric utility regulatory issues.
Tuesday, council deleted from its agenda the first reading of an amended ordinance with the proposed franchise changes to allow the newly hired consultants to do their review . No date was immediately given for when the proposed franchise ordinance would return to City Council.
Council had been scheduled to hold a public hearing and final vote Jan. 21 on the proposed franchise transfer. That date may need to be changed.
One of the main proposed changes to the franchise agreement is that city officials want a provision added that would give the city the first right to make an offer to buy the utility if IIF decides to sell the utility in the future. However, IIF has promised to own El Paso Electric for at least 10 years.
El Paso Electric pays the city a franchise fee of 5 percent of the utility's revenues inside city limits under its 55-year franchise agreement, which is scheduled to end in 2060. The fee this year totaled $22.7 million. Part of that money goes for city economic development initiatives.
El Paso-area government group no longer opposed to sale agreement
Meanwhile, the Texas PUC had a hearing Tuesday morning in Austin on sale issues brought up by the Rate 41 Group of El Paso-area school districts and several other government entities, including El Paso County, and Richard "Rick" Bonart, a retired El Paso veterinarian, who also is an intervenor in the case. The Rate 41 Group and Bonart did not agree to the stipulated agreement reached in December with other intervenors in the Texas case.
However, Chris Hughes, an Austin lawyer representing the group, told the PUC at the Tuesday hearing that the group is no longer opposing the stipulation agreement filed with the PUC in December. And the group declined to question witnesses at the hearing.
"We made significant progress towards our issues" with IIF and El Paso Electric, he told the commission. However, he said, consultations on the unsettled issues are still ongoing with members of the group, which is made up of 14 entities.
Bonart continues to oppose the revised sale agreement. One of his main concerns is the $100 million IIF had promised for regional economic development is now split between the proposed $80 million fund administered by El Paso, and $20 million for New Mexico.
It's "now more a city fund while it (City Council) is deciding on the franchise" transfer, Bonart said after the hearing. "It's pretty suspect."
PUC Chairman DeAnn Walker asked the parties involved in the El Paso Electric sale to be at the PUC's next meeting Jan. 16, when it possibly could vote on the sale agreement, she said at the conclusion of the hearing.
Walker said she'd prefer the PUC act on the sale by its original Feb. 9 deadline. However, that deadline could be extended, she noted.
El Paso Electric sets public meetings
Meanwhile, El Paso Electric has scheduled two public meetings at 5:30 p.m., Jan. 14 and Jan. 16 in which officials from the utility and IIF are to discuss the pending sale agreement. City Council required the meetings as part of its Dec. 17 approval of the stipulated agreement. It was approved by a 5-4 vote.
The Jan. 14 meeting is to be held at El Paso Community College's administration offices at 9050 Viscount Blvd., in East El Paso; and the Jan. 16 meeting is to be at the Polly Harris Senior Citizens Center at 650 Wallenberg Drive, in West El Paso.