June 8, 2018 • Regional News
Regional and National News - June 3 - 8
Natural gas industry says Trump is using them as a 'scapegoat' to bail out coal and nuclear plants (Houston Chronicle, 6/7)
Cyberthreats justify federal intervention, DOE says (EnergyWire ($), 6/8)
White House challenges FERC on grid security (E&E News ($), 6/7)
Trump's nuclear bailout would cost up to $17 billion a year: NIRS (Platts, 6/7)
Coal, nuclear owners not changing closure plans (EnergyWire ($), 6/8)
While Trump Tries to Save Coal, Some in His Party Want Solar (Bloomberg, 6/7)
NRC Chair: Nuclear safety regulatory process not to blame for plant retirements (Utility Dive, 6/7)
Six Glaring Interventions in Competitive Markets — Beyond the Trump Plan (Power Magazine, 6/7)
Carbon dioxide levels hit an all-time monthly high (Axios, 6/7)
Scott Pruitt proposes changing how EPA evaluates cost of carbon pollution (Washington Examiner, 6/7)
More than 100 bipartisan lawmakers urge Pruitt to scrap 'secret science' rule (The Hill, 6/7)
House panel approves bill to secure industrial systems from hacks (The Hill, 6/6)
Micro-Reactors Get Potential Boost in Defense Authorization Bill Provision (Morning Consult, 6/8)
Department of Energy Launches $3 Million Prize Competition to Boost Domestic Solar Manufacturing (DOE media release, 6/7)
Xcel details plans to shut 660 MW coal, build 1.8 GW renewables in Colorado (Utility Dive, 6/7)
World’s largest li-ion battery and 707 MW of solar power in Colorado proposal (PV Magazine, 6/7)
Chicago Company Preparing Offer for Navajo Generating Station (Power Magazine, 6/7)
Study evaluates interconnecting grids to improve power flows (NewsOK, 6/8)
Edison Electric Institute names Duke Energy’s Good as new chairman (Daily Energy Insider, 6/6)
Republicans losing patience with scandal-scarred Pruitt (Politico, 6/6)
Two of Scott Pruitt’s closest aides, also facing scrutiny, are leaving EPA (Washington Post, 6/6) (See also: Axios)
Bob Murray drafted 6 orders on coal, climate for Trump (E&E News ($), 6/6) (See also: The Hill)
In Trump’s power moves, it’s coal first, nuclear power second (Axios, 6/7)
U.S. subsidies may not save some coal, nuclear plants slated for closure (Reuters, 6/6)
Billions in U.S. solar projects shelved after Trump panel tariff (Reuters, 6/7)
Exelon CEO endorses nuke bailout, punts on leaked DOE memo (Utility Dive, 6/6)
Exelon CEO Clarifies Headline-Grabbing No-Grid-Emergency Comment (Power Magazine, 6/6)
Southwest Power Pool to provide reliability-coordination services in the West (Utility Dive, 6/6)
Retail customers driving power sector's decarbonization, decentralization: execs (Megawatt Daily ($), 6/6)
Colorado utility [Xcel] plans to retire coal plants, add renewables (AP, 6/7)
N.M. commission set for new look as 2 incumbents fall (EnergyWire ($), 6/7)
Exelon CEO: No grid emergency to justify DOE coal, nuke bailout (Utility Dive, 6/5)
Top Energy Department official vows to help Trump save coal, nuclear (Washington Examiner, 6/5)
Murkowski airs 'great deal of hesitation' on Trump grid plan (E&E Daily ($), 6/6)
There's a Chance Trump's Power Bailout Actually Cuts Emissions (Bloomberg, 6/5)
Arizona Miners to Rally at Capitol for Power Plant Future (AP, 6/6)
California generates more power from solar than gas in May (PV Magazine, 6/4)
House to vote on energy spending bill with Yucca Mountain funds (Las Vegas Review-Journal, 6/4)
Department of Energy Announces 10 Projects to Support Advanced Nuclear Reactor Power Plants (DOE media release, 6/4)
Blockchain for the Energy Industry (T&D World, 6/4)
A Courtside View of Scott Pruitt’s Cozy Ties With a Billionaire Coal Baron (New York Times, 6/2)
Firm discloses more EPA lobbying by advocate with ties to Pruitt condo rental (The Hill, 6/1)
A Year After Trump’s Paris Pullout, U.S. Companies Are Driving a Renewables Boom (New York Times, 6/1)
DOE electricity official set for Hill appearance (E&E Daily ($), 6/4)
5 Key Takeaways from FERC’s Recent Energy Storage Order (Power Magazine, 6/1)
Will batteries do for wind what they’re doing for solar? (Utility Dive, 5/31)
Record Amount of Renewable Energy Installed in 2017-Research (Reuters, 6/3)
Owner of nation's oldest nuke plant files $1.4B closing plan (AP, 6/1)
PJM Experiences First Load Shed in the CP Era (RTO Insider ($), 6/3)