October 4, 2019 • Construction
Road Closure: EPE To Conduct Work Along Montana Avenue
Road Closure: El Paso Electric To Conduct Work Along Montana Avenue
Complete closure between Lee Trevino and George Dieter Drives
EL PASO, Texas – As part of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Montana Avenue Widening Project, El Paso Electric (EPE) will be relocating electrical wires along Montana Avenue requiring a complete closure between Alba Lane and George Dieter Drive this Sunday, October 6 from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
This is part of the initial phase for the overall TxDOT widening project launched earlier this year in March.
Road Closure Information:
East- and westbound lanes along Montana Avenue between Alba Lane and George Dieter Drive will be completely closed.
Suggested Detour Information:
Eastbound commuters will turn right on Lee Trevino Drive, left onto Edgemere, then left onto George Dieter to reconnect to Montana Avenue.
Westbound commuters will turn left on George Dieter, right onto Edgemere, then right onto Lee Trevino to reconnect to Montana Avenue.
Residents within the complete closure along Montana Avenue will still have access to their neighborhood streets.
Commuters are asked to safely follow detour signs in the area and be mindful of reduced speed limits.
*Map of road closure attached separately.