
December 13, 2019 • EPE Related News

Texas PUC denies city request for more negotiating time on El Paso Electric sale

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Texas PUC denies city request for more negotiating time on El Paso Electric sale


El Paso city officials struck out for now on their request to get another month to negotiate terms of the pending $4.3 billion sale of El Paso Electric to a J.P. Morgan Chase-advised investment fund.

The three members of the Public Utility Commission of Texas Friday did not approve the city's request, filed Thursday, to postpone for 30 days the Dec. 17 deadline for finalizing a tentative settlement on the sale terms made between the utility, Infrastructure Investment Funds, or IIF, and several organizations and government agencies that found problems with the terms of the sale.

The PUC members did not take a formal vote on the request, but instructed the PUC staff to continue with the current schedule, for now, in the sale case. However, they left the door open for the city to file another time-extension request later, if needed.

Four of El Paso's Texas legislators in a Dec. 12 letter asked the PUC to not only grant the city's request, but to go further by extending the PUC's Feb. 9 deadline to vote on the sale by another 60 days, pushing the vote to April, as allowed by state law.

Meanwhile, El Paso City Council is scheduled to discuss negotiations of the sale terms and El Paso Electric's request to transfer its city franchise agreement to IIF at a closed-door council work session Monday and in a closed-door executive session during its regular meeting Tuesday.

The PUC, El Paso, the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission must approve the sale before it can become final.

Lino Mendiola, an Austin lawyer representing IIF, told the PUC members that while City Council and other intervenors in the case have not yet signed onto the pending stipulation agreement, the city "continues to be aligned with us in terms of the agreement in principal."

City officials were not immediately available for comments Friday. No one represented the city at Friday's PUC meeting.

At a news conference Wednesday, City Manager Tommy Gonzalez said the city continues to negotiate with IIF and El Paso Electric on several sale issues, including trying to get IIF to agree to extend its time commitments on El Paso Electric jobs and keeping the company's El Paso headquarters.

In its sale agreement with El Paso Electric, IIF promised to not cut jobs for five years, and to keep the utility's headquarters in El Paso for as long as it owns EPE, which would be at least 10 years under the agreement.

The city also is negotiating on the utility's request to transfer its 55-year franchise agreement to IIF. The city is legally required to hold a public hearing before City Council can vote on the franchise transfer request.

"We're hopeful to have an unanimous stipulation (agreement), but I think realistically there may be one or two parties (intervenors) that don't join," Mendiola, the lawyer for IIF, told the PUC. 

If a unanimous stipulation agreement isn't reached with the 10 intervenors in the case, including the city, by Dec. 17, then a nonunanimous agreement is to be filed that day. That would result in a PUC public hearing on unsettled issues to be held Jan. 7 and 8.

It's possible the Dec. 17 deadline may need extended a couple of days to get a final agreement filed, Mendiola told the PUC. It depends on what the El Paso City Council does Tuesday, he said.

City Council's Tuesday agenda also includes an item to direct the city manager to get cost estimates for a possible feasibility study on municipalizing the electric utility.

Council on Dec. 10 heard about two hours of public comments on whether the city should do a feasibility study. A city staff report indicated the process of trying to acquire El Paso Electric would be expensive and likely would take years to complete.

PUC Commissioner  Arthur D'Andrea, who said he didn't think the PUC deadlines in the El Paso Electric sale case should be changed for now, added:

"I welcome the city's participation, but I hope they focus their minds if they're really interested in municipalization."

Gonzalez, the city manager, indicated at Wednesday's news conference that the city is unlikely to pursue trying to acquire El Paso Electric now. But that decision is up to City Council.

"In a transaction like this, I think it's important that state and local governments stay shoulder to shoulder. I don't want to railroad anyone. I am very respectful of what the city is asking," D'Andrea said. "The train is moving."

Commission Chairwoman DeAnn Walker agreed the case schedule should remain unchanged for now, but added:

"I do want them (El Paso) to have the opportunity to do what they need to do to move through the process."

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