
April 28, 2020 • Industry-related News

Why the coronavirus oil bust called 'worst energy crisis in history' and what's next

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Why the coronavirus oil bust called 'worst energy crisis in history' and what's next


States are grappling with revenue declines and job losses as oil prices plummet from the effects of coronavirus.


AUSTIN — Even before the price of oil spiraled below zero on Monday, Cye Wagner was struggling to keep afloat the small energy exploration and production business her parents built from scratch 40 years ago.

"We're a true mom-and-pop. There's no investors, lenders and backers," said Wagner, an executive with Cooper Oil & Gas in Fort Worth. "It's just, can you make enough oil and sell it, pay your bills and make your payroll? And right now, the answer for a lot of (independent operators) is no. Not at these prices."

Wagner is among thousands of operators, regulators and elected leaders in the energy-rich states of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico desperately working to reverse the free-fall in oil prices that was accelerated by a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. That was then exacerbated by nationwide stay-at-home directives in the wake of coronavirus.


And she's the newly appointed board chairwoman of the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers that this month warned the Trump administration the twin crises represent "an existential threat to the American oil and gas industry (and) the millions of Americans employed by this industry."

And if that threat is not met and defeated fast, industry and political leaders say, havoc will rain down on the economies of the three states and the tax revenues that underpin their state budgets will dry up and threaten their abilities to meet their spending obligations.

"This is the worst energy crisis in history. It's never been worse than this," said Texas Railroad Commissioner Ryan Sitton, one of three elected officials who oversee the agency that regulates the oil and gas industry in the nation's largest energy-producing state.

Sitton recently called for a temporary 20% cut in the production of Texas oil cut that would take about 1 million barrels a day out of the market. The plan was contingent on other states and other countries also agreeing to steep reductions.

“Right now, to not act is in itself a choice,” Sitton said during a commission meeting Monday where action on his proposal was tabled until May 4 pending further review. “We’re seeing a level of demand destruction and oil industry downturn that in the past happened in the course of years, happening in the course of days.”


A bleak outlook for energy-producing states

Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma have adopted budgets based at least in part on revenues that would come in from oil that would sell for around $50 a barrel. But with plummeting demand causing a worldwide glut in crude, sellers on Monday were offering to pay – not collect – upward of $40 a barrel for someone to take the inventory off their hands. 

By Thursday, the price climbed back up to nearly $18 a barrel. An improvement, but still is less than what it brought in the 1980s and far short of what state budget-writers had planned for.


For New Mexico, the implications are nearly incomprehensible, said state Rep. James Townsend, the statehouse Republican leader and a retired oil company executive.

"New Mexico is in a real jam right now," Townsend said. "About 40 percent of our budget (comes) directly from the extraction of oil and gas. Today in New Mexico, for every dollar the price of crude changes, our budget is impacted about $22 million over a 12-month period.

"So, if you take that to $10 (a barrel) and that's a $42 sweep. Then take $42 and multiply it by $22 million. That is the impact on our budget."

The outlook is just as bleak in Oklahoma, which like other energy-producing states was already walloped by the dipping of oil prices dating back to late 2018 and 2019. According to the state's Chamber of Commerce, policymakers in March 2019 were warned of an energy sector slowdown "capable of producing a net 25% decline in total state tax revenue."

The impact on jobs

The disruption caused by coronavirus made the picture even more bleak for the nation's third-largest energy producer, said Dan Rickman, an economics professor at Oklahoma State University. He and fellow economics professor Hongbo Wang this month prepared a study showing that the downturn followed by the pandemic could cost the state as many as 45,000 jobs either directly or indirectly related to the energy sector.

Oil prices are continuing to collapse and U.S. stocks dropped to their worst loss in weeks as worries sweep markets about the economic damage caused by COVID-19. Analysts are pessimistic about government aid actually helping. (April 21) AP Domestic

"We've already lost about 10,000 jobs from the end of 2018 through the end of 2019," Rickman said. "So our baseline forecast is we are going to lose 10,000 more."

An even worse scenario suggests that yet another 10,000 jobs in Oklahoma could vanish, Rickman said. But that's still not the complete picture.

"You probably have at least one and a half other jobs that are related to every job in the mining sector," he said. "So I guess another way to say it is for every 10 jobs lost in the mining sector, you lose another 15 jobs in other sectors."

As a result, Rickman said, Oklahoma is staring at a $1.4 billion hole in its state budget, which presently calls for just over $7 billion in spending this year.

In Texas, where in 2019 about 428,000 jobs were tied directly to oil and gas operations, job losses are mounting. On the drilling side of the industry, which does not include such activities as refining, oilfield equipment manufacturing, pipelines petrochemical productions, about 20,600 jobs have been lost since March 2019, according to figures from the Texas Workforce Commission.

How the oil bust could affect revenue

State Comptroller Glenn Hegar, Texas' top financial officer, said it remains unclear how the price drop will affect state revenues, but it could affect whether money already allocated in the budget will actually become available. 

"Should prices remain depressed over a long period of time, we anticipate the impact will be reflected in a reduction in the revenue forecast we'll be releasing in July," Hegar said.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called the plummeting price of oil "truly unprecedented."

"The fact of the matter is we have a flood of supply and a dry-up of demand," Abbott told reporters on Tuesday, saying he is in constant contact with the Trump administration looking for at least short-term relief for the industry, including having the federal government buy up surplus crude for the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Democratic Oklahoma Congresswoman Kendra Horn joined a bipartisan group of Texas lawmakers and others from energy-producing states on legislation to allocate $3 billion for such a purpose. The measure is also sponsored by Democrats Lizzie Fletcher Houston, Marc Veasy of Fort Worth, Henry Cuellar of Laredo and Vicente Gonzalez of the Rio Grande Valley and Republicans Michael Burgess  of the Dallas area, Roger Williams of Forth Worth, Mike Conaway of Midland and Bill Flores of Waco.



Wagner, the Fort Worth oil executive who runs the family business with her brother, said oil and gas production historically has been a cyclical market.

"It's going to have ups and downs," she said. "When it's up, don't be foolish; be wise with your money. When it's down, pinch your pennies, cut your costs, take care of your employees so they're still with you when it rebounds."

But still she fears that the industry has not seen the bottom. And that means the company her parents founded and now employs about 20 could cease to exist.

"For the first time in 40 years, we have had two layoffs," she said. "That hurt. That was hard to do." 

After her father sold his first barrel of oil, he wrote on a board in bold, all-capital letters, "Never quit!" She and her brother still have a blown-up photo of the handwritten message at the company's headquarters. 

"To see something that they built from nothing ... then to have this pandemic come, and then the Russians and the Saudis and their price war all at the same time," Wagner said. "With circumstances that are so far removed from our hands, from our control, and threaten the viability of your business, the pressure is – I don't know that a word exists to accurately capture what that feels like.

"If this is what takes us down, how hard would that be?"

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