Voters in the Ysleta Independent School District will head to the polls in November to decide whether to approve a $425 million bond proposal to fund new school construction, renovations and campus improvement projects.
The YISD board of trustees ordered a bond election at Monday's regular board meeting by a 4-3 vote.
Trustees Cruz Ochoa Jr., Richard Couder, Connie Woodruff and Carlos Bustillos voted in favor of the Nov. 5 bond election.
While trustees Kathryn Lucero, Sotero Ramirez and Mike Rosales expressed support for the bond measure, they cautioned against rushing to order an election and questioned whether the bond projects meet the district's most pressing needs.
They suggested holding the bond election in May to give trustees more time to evaluate proposed projects.
Lucero noted that YISD was previously unsuccessful when it placed a bond measure on a ballot that included a city election. This November, city of El Paso voters will be asked to decide whether to approve a $413 million public safety bond.
The district's attorney S. Anthony Safi cautioned, however, that waiting until May to hold the election could put the district at risk of footing the election costs itself. State law does not require a county elections department to administer any other election during a partisan election year.
Bond to fund safety upgrades, refrigerated air at all campuses
The $425 million bond package would fund campus safety and security enhancements, which include the installation of security vestibules at every school, perimeter fencing, surveillance cameras and additional security personnel.
Trustees agreed campus security improvements were a priority in light of the Aug. 3 mass shooting.
"Because of recent events, and now more so, I think that security of our children and our teachers and everybody that works for the Ysleta school district is vitally important," Ochoa, the board president, said prior to the vote. "We cannot stand by and let things slide ... I just don't don't want anything to happen because we postpone things, especially for our security."
The bond proposal also includes district-wide conversion to refrigerated air.
Arlinda Valencia, president of the Ysleta Teachers Association, told trustees prior to the vote that modernizing campus HVAC units was "the most important thing" on the list of bond projects.
"When teachers and students are cold or hot, it makes the job of teaching and learning more difficult than ever," Valencia said.
Other bond projects include the construction of a new Hanks area middle school, which would consolidate Desert View and Indian Ridge Middle Schools; a new Riverside area middle school, which would consolidate Cedar Grove and Ascarate Elementary Schools and possibly Ramona Elementary School; and the rebuilding of Scottsdale Elementary School.
"We're trying to really right-size the district," Superintendent Xavier De La Torre said. "At one time this district had in excess of 50,000 students. That number now is closer to 40,000 students and so we're operating 17 more schools than we could operate and still be at 80% (capacity) across the district."
Dolphin Terrace Elementary would be renovated and Bel Air High School would be modernized.
The 2019 bond projects were decided by a facility advisory committee made up of about 80 people, including teachers, parents, community members and business leaders.
New bond would continue 2015 bond program
The 2019 bond program is phase two of the $430.5 million bond program voters approved in November 2015, De La Torre said.
In response to criticism from facility advisory committee member Deborah Torres, president of the Pueblo Viejo Neighborhood Association, that it appeared "the powers that be had a prior agenda" for bond projects, De La Torre disagreed.
"There were a handful of projects that were considered back in 2015 that didn't make it that were automatically introduced as part of the 2019 process," De La Torre said. The district promised the facility advisory committee in 2015 that any projects that weren't included in that year's bond measure would be re-presented to future committees, he said.
All of the large 2015 bond projects will be finished by January 2020, the superintendent said.
A fine arts facility at Ysleta High School will be completed this month, Eastwood High School's remaining renovations will be finished by the fall, and a two-story sports complex at Bel Air High School is on track to be done by the start of basketball season.
District still figuring out potential impact on property taxes
The district is still working to calculate the impact the $425 million bond would have on property taxes if approved, according to district spokesman Chris Lechuga.
De La Torre told reporters the bond could potentially raise taxes $0.20 per $100 of home valuation.
On Monday, trustees adopted a new tax rate of $1.353 per $100 of home valuation for the 2019-2020 school year, down from last year's rate of $1.455.
Any tax increase related to voter approval of the bond would not take effect until trustees adopt a new tax rate in August 2020 for the 2020-2021 year.
The district will spend the next two months working to provide voters with as much information as possible about the bond, the superintendent said, adding that the district will hold multiple public forums to answer voters' questions.
Molly Smith may be reached at 546-6413;; @smithmollyk on Twitter.