Customers with Lone Star Cards
Obtain a copy of your Food Stamp Eligibility Form along with your name and your electric service account number as they appear on your most recent electric bill and mail it to the address below. The name on the electric account must be the same as the name on the Food Stamp Notice of Eligibility form.
Customers with Household Annual Income at or Below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level
Visit one of the agencies listed above and have an agency representative qualify you for the program. You will need to provide your electric service account number and name as they appear on your most recent bill. The agencies provide EPE a list of qualified customers once a month.
El Paso Electric
Attn: Customer Services, LIR
Loc. 143
P.O. Box 982
El Paso, Texas 79960
Important Notice
Upon verification of all reported information and qualification to participate in the Low-Income Rider, the $8.25 Customer Charge will not be billed for the time period in which the Customer proves eligibility. The Company may extend the LIR to a Customer when the Customer is re-authorized or extended for an additional time period, and a customer can renew the LIR by providing verification of eligibility.
If you have questions about these programs, please contact our Customer Service Department.