
August 23, 2019 • Local News

El Paso Mayor Dee Margo's budget veto was underhanded: city Rep. Alexsandra Annello

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El Paso Mayor Dee Margo's budget veto was underhanded: city Rep. Alexsandra Annello

Alexsandra Annello, Guest columnistPublished 1:26 p.m. MT Aug. 22, 2019

El Pasoans,

I recently voted with a supermajority of the City Council to overturn Mayor Dee Margo’s veto in an effort to ensure that El Pasoans keep their jobs and so that recreational centers opened in traditionally underserved communities have the resources they need to support my constituents. 

I viewed the mayor’s threat to veto the budget as an underhanded attempt to appease voters come election season and as a weak example of leadership that uses the council as a crutch. He knew we would vote to adopt the budget and banked on our hard work and that of the city staff who built this year’s budget.

As a council, we agreed to fund police, streets, and quality of life projects, including libraries, swimming pools, and recreation centers. The mayor came close to diminishing the concerns I hear from my community every day. This was also done in an attempt for us, as a city, to continue to provide important services to the community, such as trash collection. 

The city of El Paso conducted five weeks of budget meetings. During that time, the mayor was either not present, arrived late, or did not provide any meaningful criticism of the budget. In fact, the only items he deemed fit to cut were streets from the proposed upcoming bond, hoping to use certificates of obligation to cover the need in the future at a less contentious time. Every single city representative heard loud and clear that fixing our streets was of the utmost priority. When the mayor removed funding for streets from the bond, he silenced you.  

But the budget is not built in five weeks. The truth is, it is an accumulation of concerns and decisions made throughout the year. 

The mayor's veto was underhanded because it undermined many critical issues. During the last year, he supported massive items such as moving the city’s Economic Development Department out of City Hall and into the Mills Building, costing $604,000 over a seven-year period. While I understand the benefit of the move, the impact on the taxpayer was my concern and is why I ultimately voted no. 

During our breakout sessions, a list of budget reductions was provided to the council, including relocating Economic Development back to City Building 3. The mayor did not comment on this and most certainly did not follow through on saving the taxpayers dollars and pushing for this reduction or any of the other reductions offered to council.

It is really important to know what this budget addresses, outside of public safety, keeping facilities open and maintained, as well as a continuation of pothole and speed bump programs. Our citizen collection sites would be staffed and remain open, and our lowest-paid employees would receive a much needed cost of living increase. It would continue 19 Quality of Life projects, including additions to the Zoo, Memorial Park Library, Veterans Park and the new Alameda and Chamizal recreation centers. All of these serve communities have been underserved and have been waiting a long time for these amenities. A blanket veto would put all of these programs at risk and it should not have been handled this way. 

Since I was elected, there has been a struggle of trust with the community. We cannot afford to have the mayor, once again, refuse to lead us. The mayor’s veto put this city at risk of losing essential services and did not have the leadership, to be honest, about his motivations. This city does not have time for a mayor who only speaks up when it is convenient for his campaign. 

Alexsandra Annello is City Council representative for District 2.

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