April 28, 2020 • EPE Related News
Face masks in Texas no longer mandated, but strongly recommended
Face masks in Texas no longer mandated, but strongly recommended
EL PASO, Texas (CBS4) — City of El Paso officials says while it is encouraged to wear a face mask or a face covering, there will no longer be penalties if you don’t.
This comes after Governor Greg Abbott held a press conference Monday discussing Executive Order (GA-18).
In that order it states: “Individuals are encouraged to wear appropriate face coverings, but no jurisdiction can impose a civil or criminal penalty for failure to wear a face covering.”
Just five days ago El Paso City and County officials issued an emergency order that required everyone to wear a mask or face covering. The order said there could be consequences if a mask or face covering was not worn.
“Anyone violating this order will face a Class C Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $500, and if found to repeatedly violate this order will face a Class B Misdemeanor, which can include a fine of up to $1,000 or up to 180 days in jail,” said Laura Cruz-Acosta a Spokesperson for the City of El Paso. “The stay at home order is in effect until May 17th, as is the requirement to wear a mask in public. However the City of El Paso says that order could be extended."
Now there will be no penalties. However Governor Abbott says it is still highly recommended.
“By my executive order it supersedes local orders with regard to any type of fine or penalty for anyone not wearing a mask,” Governor Greg Abbott said. “We strongly recommend everyone wear a mask however it’s not a mandate.”
El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego says the more preventative measures we take now the better we will be in the long run.
“The Governor has legal grounds and I’m not able to oppose the order. What I can do is be able to provide restrictions that will help maintain and contain the virus. We are not really going out and trying to enforce it. As you remember I was very explicit about education and giving warnings. Trying to get people to understand more of a compliance kind of focus,” Samaniego said. “That’s why it’s always better to wear the mask than to not wear it if we’re looking at containment so if you are really conscientious about getting back into the economy then the more we do voluntarily the faster we’re going to get out of this crisis.”