June 1, 2018 • Regional News
Regional and National News from May 27 - June 2
FERC, DOJ back state subsidy for nuclear (EnergyWire ($), 5/30)
This Renewable Energy Company Could Increase Solar Capacity 50% -- If Colorado Lets It (Motley Fool, 5/29)
Puerto Rico Grid 'Teetering' Despite $3.8 Billion Repair Job (AP, 5/31)
Three U.S. Nuclear Plants Get Poor Marks from NRC (Power Magazine, 5/30)
The Energy Grid Isn’t Insured Enough to Handle a Catastrophic Hack (Bloomberg, 5/31)
FERC approves $2.7M cyber fine without naming names (EnergyWire ($), 5/31)
Executive Order 13800 on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure (DOE, 5/30)
AEP funding Ohio State University research aimed at protecting power grids from cyberattack (Columbus Business First, 5/29)
Carbon dioxide emissions drop from U.S. power sector (UPI, 5/29)
New offshore wind farm project will dwarf nation’s 1st one (AP, 5/30)
Xcel Energy corporate responsibility report details carbon emissions reductions (Daily Energy Insider, 5/30)
The president of The Wind Coalition has been subpoenaed to testify and bring records to Oklahoma's multicounty grand jury (NewsOK, 5/30)
Trump administration to use emergency authority to boost coal plants: report (The Hill, 6/1) (See also: Power Magazine, Axios, Bloomberg)
Power suppliers see upside to FERC, DOJ stance on subsidies (EnergyWire ($), 6/1)
DOE cybersecurity report reveals 7 'gaps' in power sector defense capabilities (Utility Dive, 6/1) (See also: The Hill)
EPA board to scrutinize Pruitt’s science ‘transparency’ rule (The Hill, 5/31)
As Hurricane Season Begins, States and Industries Take Stock of Last Year’s Lessons (Morning Consult, 5/31)
Battered Puerto Rico still 2 months from full power as hurricane season opens (USA Today, 5/31)
How Big Companies Are Driving the Renewable Boom (New York Times, 6/1)
Trump Helps More Than Double U.S. Solar Capacity With Duties (Bloomberg, 5/31)
Costs of different battery storage technologies depend on technical characteristics (EIA, 6/1)
Using Artificial Intelligence to Develop Electricity Load Forecasts (Power Magazine, 6/1)