August 3, 2018 • Regional News
Regional and National News: July 30 - August 3
Three takeaways from Andrew Wheeler's first hearing since leading the EPA (Washington Post, 8/2)
'Cyber hygiene': Reducing human error key part of fight against digital attacks (Platts, 8/2)
DOE to vet grid's ability to reboot after a cyberattack (EnergyWire ($), 8/3)
Near record gas demand on U.S. power grid (Houston Chronicle, 8/3)
Recent heat wave provides stress test for US renewables integration (Utility Dive, 8/2)
With FERC, PJM proceedings in mind, Exelon touts value of nuclear (Megawatt Daily ($), 8/2)
Department of Energy Announces Request for Information on Offshore Wind Energy R&D Facilities (DOE, 8/3)
U.S. coal shipments reach their lowest levels in years (EIA, 8/3)
Sempra Energy Leads 11 Utilities in Management Top 250 (Wall Street Journal ($), 8/2)
Nevada: An electric utility model heads to the ballot (EnergyWire ($), 8/3)
Trump EPA to keep and defend Obama smog rule (The Hill, 8/1)
U.S. utilities balk at expanded carbon-capture subsidy (Reuters, 8/2)
Holtec to buy three nuclear plants, greatly accelerate decommissioning (Utility Dive, 8/1)
First Big U.S. Offshore Wind Farm Offers $1.4 Billion to Customers (Bloomberg, 8/1)
New Cyber Threat Actor Targeting Power Sector Identified (Power Magazine, 8/2) (See also: The Hill)
U.S. Electric Vehicle Charging Market to Grow to $18.6 Billion (Bloomberg, 8/2)
Water Use Down Drastically at U.S. Power Plants (Power Magazine, 8/1)
99 coal miners laid off at Wyoming County mine (Charleston Gazette-Mail, 8/1)
Transmission study points to potential from overcoming grid seams (Energy News Network, 8/1)
DHS walks back utility cyber warnings as Southern CEO says no grid emergency (Utility Dive, 7/31)
Grid leaders clear the air around Russian hacking (EnergyWire ($), 8/1)
Five Months After Energy Cyberattack, U.S. Pushes Collaboration (Bloomberg, 7/31)
Andrew Wheeler, New E.P.A. Chief, Details His Energy Lobbying Past (New York Times, 8/1)
Annual FERC Reliability Conference Takes on Resilience (RTO Insider ($), 7/31)
NERC eyes existing tools to address fuel security of power system (Megawatt Daily ($), 7/31)
Grid-Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage Plant Is Launched (Power Magazine, 8/1)
There's a Hidden Battery Play in the ‘Extremes’ of Power Prices (Bloomberg, 7/31)
Is All That's Green Good? Tackling Grid Congestion (T&D World, 7/31)
PNM plans to spend $2.7 billion on capital projects through 2022 (Megawatt Daily ($), 7/31)
Dry Fork: A Model of Modern U.S. Coal Power (Power Magazine, 8/1)
DC Circuit tosses challenge to ISO-NE renewable energy market rules (Utility Dive, 8/1)
DHS Forms New Cyber Hub to Protect Critical U.S. Infrastructure (Wall Street Journal ($), 7/13) (See also: The Hill)
Electricity demand surges with oil patch boom (Albuquerque Journal, 7/30)
Electric Vehicles: States need $2.3B in chargers to hit Paris goals — report (EnergyWire ($), 7/31)
Russian Hackers Appear to Shift Focus to U.S. Power Grid (New York Times, 7/27) (See also: The Hill)
No reason to bail out coal industry (San Antonio Express-News editorial, 7/27)
NextEra's renewables backlog grows to 7.4 GW as customers anticipate lower costs (Utility Dive, 7/27)
NextEra to shut Duane Arnold nuclear facility, replace power with renewables (Megawatt Daily ($), 7/27) (See also: Utility Dive)
In 2016, U.S. energy expenditures per unit GDP were the lowest since at least 1970 (EIA, 7/30)
Congress looking to ease FERC backlog, raising staff salaries (Houston Chronicle, 7/27)