April 29, 2020 • EPE Related News
Renters protected from eviction, utility shut-off for next billing cycle
Renters protected from eviction, utility shut-off for next billing cycle
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14) — As we enter another billing cycle, KFOX14 asked how you’re protected.
They’re essential too: A roof over your head and utilities.
“We can’t evict. We’re still holding to that,” said Demetrio Jimenez, a member of El Paso’s Apartment Association COVID-19 taskforce.
“Since April 1, we’ve been working with families who have not been able to pay their rent,” Jimenez said. “They just pay a portion of their rent now for April.”
As long as there’s a plan in place with the association, the tenant can stay until the May 18.
“If that family has an agreement with us, they’re protected until that agreement ends,” Jimenez said.
Texas Gas Services said suspension of disconnects has been extended until May 15.
El Paso Water will reevaluate suspension disconnects after May 17.
El Paso Electric said that disconnects will not be happening until further notice.
All utility officials said if you can pay, even just a portion, to do so.
KFOX14 did reach out to the City of El Paso asking how they are going to amend city wide ordinances moving forward in relation to evictions and services.
We are waiting to hear back.
Jimenez said that they have written a letter to Mayor Dee Margo about funding to help El Pasoans pay rent. The association will speak him on Thursday.